Letter from the Editors

  • Tetyana L. Vasylyeva
Keywords: Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics, Journal


Since it was established in 2014, the International Journal of Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine (IJIPEM) has strongly adhered to publishing ethics, followed a double-blind review process, and published high-quality papers. Our outstanding linguistic service has assisted many grateful authors for whom English is a second language. Last year was a hard year for everyone, but particularly for the first-line medical care providers. We have given priority to SARS-CoV-2-related manuscripts and published them for free, thereby contributing to our universal knowledge of this new disease. One of the most interesting papers was "Pregnancy and COVID-19, a brief review", one of the first articles published on the topic. Another paper, "The new face of Medicine – care flow strategies developed during COVID" by Dr. Sharon Jacob, addressed how to adjust clinic schedules during this unexpected Global disaster. We also published rare and interesting cases related to the journal's scope, which is focused on the interactions between children and their physical and psychological environment. We want to remind you that the journal topics center on modifiable factors, such as environmental pollution, child-parent relationships, social circumstances, quality of life of the sick child, ill-child school performance, mental health, and sensitivity to environmental factors. Topics concerning integrating conventional pediatrics with complementary and alternative medicine for children and research about environmental impacts on cellular and molecular mechanisms of development are of great interest. We will continue giving priority to manuscripts related to the impact of SARS-CoV-2. We are hopeful that the new year will be very fruitful for our goal of increased scientific knowledge and distribution of these discoveries. We are looking forward to reading, reviewing, and publishing your work. We will also see that it is preserved and recorded with DOI links and advertised widely. Manuscripts funded by NIH or their partners will be indexed as PubMed selected citations. We hope you will enjoy working with our editorial team. If you are reading this letter, you may well already be familiar with IIPEM. If you are interested in working with us, please, register as an author on the web at https://ijipem.com/index.php/ijipem/login. We will put our talents to work to make your paper readable and visible.


How to Cite
Vasylyeva, T. L. (2020). Letter from the Editors. International Journal of Integrative Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine, 6, 1. https://doi.org/10.36013/ijipem.v6i.87