Resilience in mothers having children with disabilities and behavior problems: A survey-based community study.
This research aimed to examine the resilience exhibited by families who are raising children with behavioral issues and disabilities. In a developing society and community with limited rehabilitation and care services, there are major challenges for mothers with disabled children, and the responsibility for a child's growth falls solely on the shoulders of the mother or caregivers. Understanding the resilience of mothers (caregivers) is becoming more important as a process in disabilities for quality development and caring of children with disabilities. Purposive sampling was used to choose 30 samples from a descriptive cross-sectional survey design. Participants completed the Family Life Survey. It included questions about family-level results, social-ecological resources, and behavioral issues with children. High levels of social support and little financial difficulty are conducive to the "good" behavior of families with children who have disabilities and behavioral issues. On the other hand, even in cases where the quantity or severity of behavioral issues in children is minimal, families with inadequate social support and significant financial difficulties generally face difficulties. The study's results support the theory that "resilience" is more closely related to the accessibility and availability of culturally relevant resources than inborn traits or familial or individual characteristics. Almost all resilience items received a maximum response rate of almost 60% from mothers who answered "true" almost always. Approximately 40% of mothers scored poorly on all parts of the rating scale regarding resilience. Children with a severe deficit in their developmental behavior, as shown by the overall mean score of 37.57±3.401 on the Developmental Behavior Checklist and the overall mean score of Connor-Davidson. According to the resilience scale, mothers of children with impairments and behavioral issues had moderately high resilience scores. In terms of the effects on families, improving social ties and easing financial stress might be more crucial than changing behavior.References
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